Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 6

Last night Meg experienced several more seizures, totaling eight in about eighteen hours. After three days of no visibly detectable seizures, this was a setback. The doctors boosted her dosage of p.b. to bring her blood levels from 30 somethings to 41 somethings this morning. More mumbo jumbo. So far since 7:30 this morning, we have not observed any seizures. The EEG technician referred to this morning's EEG report as "beautiful." Furthermore, Meg continues to grow stronger and hungrier. We have essentially stopped keeping track of her intake because she is eating too quickly from breast and bottle for us to gauge. Meg spent over an hour awake, eyes open, and - very important here - not crying, just observing.

Finding a seizure preventative and right dosage remains the primary task here at St. V's while we await spinal fluid analysis from Minnesota. So far, Day 6 finds Meg at about +3.


  1. Dear Jen, Ryan and Ella,
    We are so thrilled to get your updates! You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. We know you are in good hands and that The Great Physcian will take care of you. Wish we could do something physically to show how much you are loved! Our prayers for strength, comfort and guidance will continue to uphold you before our Lord. May the peace that passes all understanding cover you as you complete this journey. Love and Prayers, Jill and family

  2. What does +3 mean?

    I began my day praying for you all... can't wait to see the newest little Miss Throne... will call first!
